Follow Jesus

Have you ever felt like something wasn’t right in the world — like something was broken? This brokenness is plain to see. It’s found on TV, in movies, online, and often in painful experiences and memories in each of our own lives. The Bible confirms that this brokenness is a reality and that there is indeed something broken in the world. The disease of imperfection separates us from God’s perfection.

God Has a Plan

But God has a plan. He sent his own Son to take away the sins of the world. This was God’s gift to the world — His master plan to fix what was broken in the beginning.

The Bible explains that Jesus came into the world to help make things right again. He came to express God’s love for people so no one would ever have to feel alone or lost or disconnected from God ever again. Jesus was not only a great man, inspiring generations for good – He was also God on earth.

Experience Life to the Fullest

As God among men, Jesus didn’t ask people for money or power. Instead, He invited individuals to follow Him. Jesus wanted everyone to experience life to the fullest, the way God intended. So He paved the way for every person to be reconnected to the God of heaven — forever.

Jesus died on a cross for the brokenness of all mankind. He took all our darkness and disobedience on himself, paying the ultimate price for our sins. But death could not contain him. Three days later, He rose again to live a new life. His victory over death makes it possible for us to have a new life and to be reconnected with God, our heavenly Father. Jesus offers this new life to everyone.

Will you accept the gift He’s offering? Are you interested in a new life?


Making Your Decision

The Bible says that becoming a follower of Jesus (a Christian) is easy.

1. Accept that you can’t earn your way to heaven on your own. You may be a good person, but you’ll never be perfect in the way God is perfect.

2. Believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that He came to earth to save you. He took care of your mistakes and imperfections so you can have a restored relationship with God now and forever. This is called salvation and it is God’s great gift to you.

3. Commit to becoming a follower of Jesus, inviting Jesus to lead your life. When you do this, God promises to send his Spirit to empower you, help you, and teach you how to live the great life He intends for you.

Are You Ready to Choose Jesus Right Now?

Take a minute to pray. Prayer is simply talking with God. You can pray out loud or in your mind. But however you choose to speak with God, the Bible says that He hears you. Talk about your decision to follow Jesus and ask Him to be the leader of your life. If you need help, consider saying this out loud,

“I believe Jesus is God’s son who paid the price for my sin on the cross. I accept Him as the leader of my life.”


Congratulations! You’re now a Christian!

You are part of God’s family and a child of God.

Right now your newfound faith is like a young plant, hungry for sun and water to grow. We’d love to hear about your decision to walk with Jesus and help you take the next steps to develop and grow your new faith. Take the first step by filling out the form below.

Let us know about your decision.

We’d love to help you on your new journey of faith.

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